Demand for high-bandwidth, low-latency, reliable communication is fueling growth in the deployment of low-earth orbit satellites. Projected satellite deployment growth in turn affects the technical and economic demands on ground infrastructure. Ground stations must operate with high accuracy and speed, and perform without fail for years, under varying weather conditions. Furthermore, the satellite communications industry is shifting to a multi-orbit, multiplatform model for higher network and business resiliency. Low cost and large volumes will be needed to scale up ground operations. Traditionally, antenna makers designed and manufactured antenna positioners. In-house manufacturing has stretched engineering capabilities, drawing resources away from core competencies. An ecosystem of trusted, Tier 1 suppliers who design, develop, and test proven systems can unlock value for the low-earth orbit (LEO) satellite network, specifically the ground segment. Leveraging a tiered production system, asset owners and operators can realize predictable improvements in quality and performance accompanied by a predictable decline in costs. This paper discusses challenges in the production of LEO satellite antenna positioners and opportunities to apply the benefits of tiered production to meet new market demands and transform satellite communications (SATCOM). The paper also features an antenna positioner that can save hundreds of engineering hours for SATCOM partners.
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