The µSGLS-100 from Space Micro is Satellite Transponder that provides critical TT&C links between AFSCN ground stations and military spacecraft. This transponder has a transmitter frequency range of 2200-2300 MHz and a receiver frequency range of 1760-1840 MHz. It has an RF output power of 2-10 W and supports PCM/PSK modulation formats. The transponder has a data rate of up to 5 Mbps for the transmitter and 1-2 kbps for the receiver. It has a minimum dynamic range of 60 dB and a maximum noise figure of 3 dB. The transponder requires an input supply voltage of 28 V and has a power consumption of 6-35 W. It has a mass of 2.1 kg and measures 5 x 5 x 4 inches.
The µSGLS-100 is suitable for operation in LEO, MEO, and GEO and is ideal for applications such as mission data transmitter, crosslink transceiver, telemetry, tracking & Command Transceiver, and signal intelligence receiver.