The 1 N HPGP from Bradford ECAPS is an HPGP Thruster that is designed for attitude and orbit control of small-sized satellites. It has been used in various space missions such as the PRISMA spacecraft and the SkySat series. This spacecraft thruster has a thrust of 0.25-1 N and a specific impulse of 204-231 s. It has a mass of 0.38 Kg and an inlet pressure of 4.5-22 Bar. This green propulsion thruster requires a DC supply of 10-28 V and has a power consumption of up to 10 W. It consists of non-toxic propellant which makes it easier and less costly for integration on secondary or ‘piggy-back’ missions. The thruster has a compact size which makes it ideal for executing agile maneuvers and orbit changes for small satellites.