The ASE (XENON.KRYPTON) from Astra is a Spacecraft Thruster that it compatible with Krypton and Xenon propellants. It has a thrust capacity of 18 mN (Krypton) and 25 mN (Xenon). This propulsion system has a specific impulse of 1300 sec (Krypton) and 1400 sec (Xenon) and a total impulse of 200 kNs (Krypton) and 200 kNs (Xenon). It uses a single board PPU that has an efficiency of over 95% and is radiation hardened up to 25 kRad TID. The propulsion system supports RS-485 and CAN bus communication interface. It requires a supply voltage of 28 V and a full power of 400 W to the PPU. It features a heater-less, center-mounted, instant-start cathode and novel magnetic lensing and magnetic circuit. It has a total dry mass of 7.5 Kg and is suitable for a wide range of missions, from the smallest earth observation satellites up to large communications satellites with multiple kilowatts of solar power.