The TLT585 from Peak Communications is a Test Loop Translator that translates an input C-band frequency of 5.85-6.65 GHz to an C-band frequency of 3.4-4.2GHz. This test loop translator has a maximum input power of 15 dBm and an output return loss of 15 dB. It has a conversion loss of 20 dB and a phase noise of up to -125dBc/Hz (at 1MHz). The test loop translator requires a power supply of 90-264 VAC and has a power consumption of 30 W. It features full alarm monitoring and an optional manual attenuator that is continuously variable from 0-30 dB. The test loop translator weighs 4.5 Kg and measures 19 × 1.75 × 15.7 inches. It is designed to take a sample of the transmit signal and convert it to a frequency at which it can be monitored or analyzed.