The ALR-08801095-Ka from Atlantic Microwave is a Test Loop Translator with a downlink frequency range of 17.7-21.2 GHz and an uplink frequency range of 27.5-31.5 GHz. This test loop translator has a LO frequency of 8.80-10.95 GHz and a conversion gain of -35dB. It has an attenuation adjustment range of 30 dB and an attenuator step size of 0.25 dB. The test loop translator has a LO-related spurious and harmonics value of -30 dBm and phase noise ranging from -72 to -138 dBc/Hz (at frequency range 100 Hz-10 MHz). It requires a supply voltage of 80-240 V AC and can be controlled through TCP/IP over an ethernet RJ45 connector. It has a mass of 3.5 Kg and measures 19 x 1U x 13.5 inches. The test loop translator is suitable for applications such as SNG testing, satellite communication, and teleport testing and is designed to replace the satellite link for the testing and alignment of earth station systems operating in the Ka frequency bands.