The BUTTON SENSOR from Building Automation Products is a Space Qualified Temperature Sensor that supports a wide range of thermistor and RTD elements with a thermistor accuracy of ±0.36°F (±0.2°C). The sensor operates across a probe temperature range of -40°F to 221°F and features a superior stability rate with less than 0.036°F/Year. It has a high energy efficiency with a heat dissipation of 2.7 mW/°C. The platinum RTD elements has a stability value of ±0.25ºF and a probe temperature range of -40°F to 221°F. It has a RTD sensitivity of 3.75-3.85 ?/ºC for 1K? RTD and sensitivity of nickel is 2.95?/ºF for the JCI RTD. The RoHS-complaint and CE certified is ideal for locations where aesthetics are as important as the temperature measurement.