The Star Tracker for Nano Satellites (STNS) from Solar MEMS is a Star Tracker with a field of view of 15 x 18 degrees (Rectangular) and an accuracy of 30 arcseconds (3sigma). This star tracker has an exclusion HFOV of 41 degrees (Sun - Cubesat baffle) and 30 degrees (Sun - Standard baffle). It is radiation-hardened up to 10 Krad and supports a UART, nanoD 15 pins connector electrical interface. The star tracker has an Aluminum 6082, black anodized, and Surtec 650 housing and a case thickness of 2 mm. It requires a supply voltage of 5 V and has a power consumption of 1 W. The star tracker weighs 160-200 g and measures 90 x 52 x 38 mm (Cubesat). It is ideal for attitude determination in small satellites.