The Mark-3 Star Sensor (M3SS) from Antrix Corporation Limited is a Star Tracker that is based on CMOS Active pixel sensors detector with 1024 x 1024 element array. It has an attitude accuracy of 10 cross axis an attitude update rate of 8 Hz. The star tracker has an angular rate of upto 2 degree/sec and a lost in space acquisition time of 6 seconds. It is designed with multiple optical head termed as Optical imaging unit(OUI) and centralized attitude processing unit (APU). This star tracker requires a voltage supply of 28-42 V and a maximum power consumption of 24 W. It has a mass of 2.0 kg for OUI with 4.25 kg for APU and measures 260 x 270 x 120 mm. The star tracker is ideal for the GEO and LEO missions.