The CDL-MS02 from Honeywell Aerospace is a Space Transmitter with a transmitter frequency range of 5.1-5.3 GHz and a variable output power of up to 5 W. This C-band transmitter supports OQPSK/QPSK modulation schemes and has a data rate of up to 40Mbps. It has an amplitude error of 0.6 dBpp and a phase imbalance of +/- 2 degrees. The transmitter module features a selectable V35 scrambling and convolutional coding and supports RS-422, LVDS, and CAN bus data/control interfaces. It requires a supply voltage of 28 V and has a power consumption of less than 35 W. The transmitter has a mass of 1500 g and measures 179 x 232 x 47mm. It is ideal for the mission requirements of smallsat LEO missions.