The Deployable Reflector EO (LEOB) from High Performance Space Structure Systems is a Space Reflector with a total deployable mass of 114 Kg (LEA-K8r) and a total subsystem on-board mass of 235 kg (LEA-L12). It has an arm length of 8.3 - 12.8 m and operates at 1.3 GHz (L-Band) to 37 GHz (Ka-Band). This reflector's objectives involve designing and analyzing Large Deployable Reflector Subsystems (LDRS) for CIMR and ROSE-L, with a focus on critical breadboarding for reflector struts, bay segments, and L- and Ka-band mesh. It consists of reflector, deployment mechanisms, metal mesh, upper arm segment, upper hinge, reflector hold-down-and-release-mechanisms, thermal hardware, harness, deployment control electronics, deployment test-MGSE & -EGSE, RF test-GSE. This reflector is developed under ESA's Copernicus program and is intended for application in Copernicus Mission CIMR and Mission ROSE-L.