The SpectraCAM from Redwire Space is a Satellite Camera with a monochrome resolution of 5 MP. It has an image depth of 12-bit and an image SNR of less than 38.1 dB. This high-resolution flight camera has a responsivity of 1.4 V/LUX-sec and a pixel dynamic range of 70.1 dB. It has a resolution exposure time of 1 msec and weighs less than 180 g without optics. This camera incorporates a CMOS imaging sensor and supports gigabit ethernet for image and control interface. It requires a DC supply of 5 V and has an aspect ratio of 2592 x 1944. This sensor is available in a 50 x 50 x 47 mm (boresight) configuration and is ideal for docking, navigation, situational awareness, and inspection applications.