The ACMTR-X Medium Power Series from ACORDE is a SATCOM Transceiver with a Tx input frequency range of 950-1450 GHz and an Rx input frequency range of 7.25-7.75 GHz. It has a Tx output frequency of 7.9-8.4 GHz and an Rx output frequency of 950-1450 MHz. This X-band transceiver has a Tx gain of 74 dB and an Rx gain of 40 dB. It has a noise figure of less than 15 dB and a spurious of -60 dBc. It requires an AC input supply of 85-264 V and has a power consumption of up to 650 W. The transceiver has a mass of 10.5 kg and measures 320 x 207 x 145 mm. It is designed for satellite communication systems.