The MPT 30WGX from Orbit Communication Systems is a Ka-Band SATCOM Antenna that operates from 19.2 to 31 GHz. It has a Tx Frequency of 29-30 GHz (Band 1) / 30-31 GHz (Band 2), Rx Frequency of 19.2-20.2 GHz (Band 1) / 20.2-21.2 GHz (Band 2). It requires a DC supply of 28 V and has a mass of 10 Kg. This antenna is fully integrated with airborne modems, electronics, and software. It complies with industry regulations and standards including ITU, FCC, ETSI, Inmarsat Global Xpress, WGS ready, and RTCA/DO-160G. The antenna has an elevation over azimuth pedestal type with an Azimuth range of Continuous 360º and an elevation range of 5º to 90º. It has a power consumption of 175 W and a pointing accuracy of ≤ 0.2. This antenna is ideal for mission aircraft, business jets, rotary-wing platforms, transport aircraft, vertical take-off & landing (VTOL), UAVs, military, and VSAT communication applications.