The WFA120KA-EU from Norsat is a SATCOM Antenna with a transmit frequency range of 29-31 GHz and a receive frequency range of 18.7-21.2 GHz. This Ka-band antenna has a transmit gain of 46.4 dBi and a receive gain of 43.3 dBi. It is circular polarized with a cross-polarization of 1.5 dB and a Tx isolation of greater than 100 dB. The antenna has an 8-segment carbon fiber reflector of reflector aperture of 1.2 m and has an azimuth range of +/- 200 degrees. The antenna with an elevation speed of 0.1-3°/s and an elevation range of 10-90 degrees. It requires an AC supply voltage of 110-230 V and has a maximum power consumption of 550 W. The antenna features an easy-to-use LinkControl interface and an automatic 3-axis acquisition. It weighs 32 Kg (reflector/feed) and measures 84.5 x 62 x 49 cm (L x W x H). The antenna offers rugged and reliable satellite links for remote enterprise, energy, emergency, and media applications.