The XTRT-750DBS from Comtech Xicom Technology is a SATCOM Amplifier System that operates from 17.3-18.1 GHz. It has a bandwidth of 80 MHz and a peak TWT power of 750 W. This amplifier has an output power of up to 750 W and a flange power of up to 650 W. It has a small signal gain of 70 dB and an attenuator range of 25 dB. The amplifier system has a harmonics output of -60 dBc and a maximum phase noise of 12 dB. It requires an AC voltage of 180-260 V which supports standard interfaces such as RS-232, RS-422, RS-485, and Ethernet. This rack mount HPA has a mass of 34.02 kg and measures 19 x 6.97 x 24 inches.