The MPKOG14550Q from Communications & Power Industries is a SATCOM Amplifier System with a frequency range of 13.75-14.5 GHz. This Ku-band amplifier system has a gain of 65 dB and a gain adjustment range 20 dB min in 0.1 dB steps. It has a harmonics value of -50 dBc and a saturated output power of 57.3 dBm. The amplifier system has a residual noise of -70 dBW/4 kHz and an AM/PM conversion of 1 degrees/dB. It has a spurious of -70 dBc and a maximum VSWR of 1.3:1. The amplifier system requires a power supply of 180-264 VAC and has a power consumption of 5.5 kVA. It features a modular architecture and QuadMod SSPAs that consist of four identical and fully inter-changeable RF plug-in modules. The amplifier system weighs 122 Kg (RF unit) and measures 483 x 533 x 746 mm (W x H x D).