The AnaSat SSPA Ku-band 20 W from AnaCom is a SATCOM Power Amplifier System that operates from 14-14.5 GHz. It has a small signal gain of 43 dB (Tx), P1dB of 43 dBm, and a power consumption of 294 VA. This amplifier system has an intermodulation of -25 dBc with 2 carriers, each with 6 dB backoff from the P1db rating and a maximum spurious of -55 dBc out of band. It weighs 19 Kg and measures 21.6 x 9.0 x 10.8 inches. The amplifier system is designed to be mounted on most ground segment antennas and has a monitor and control system which can be used in combination with the unit's internal metering function to monitor operational parameters. It includes a solid-state power amplifier (PA), M&C, and a universal power supply all in a simple outdoor package, which provides reliability in a wide range of environments and functions.