The SHF 2.4 MS from Radiall is a Space-Qualified Flexible Coaxial Cable Assembly with an attenuation of 0.62-4.59 dB. It has a frequency range of DC-40 GHz, a cut-off frequency of 70 GHz, and a characteristic impedance of 50 +/- 1 ohm. This SPC (silver-plated copper) tape-shielded cable has an insulation resistance of less than 3 x 105MOhm/m and a propagation time of 4.3 ns/m. It has a mass of 18 gm, cable connector retention of up to 80 N, and crush resistance of up to 400 N/100mm. This RF cable has a solid SPC with 2μm of Silver plated min as the center conductor and PTFE tape (Poly Tetra Fluoro Ethylene) as dielectric, with a 15 x 20 mm static x dynamic bend radius.