The ROX5555S from Rakon Limited is a Space Qualified Oscillator with a nominal frequency of 70-130 MHz. This oscillator has a frequency stability of +/- 24 ppb and a frequency stability adjustment of +/- 1 ppm over 15 years. It has a harmonic value of -45 dBc and a spurious value of -100 dBc. The oscillator requires a supply voltage of 15 V and has a power consumption of 3-8 W. It has a phase noise of -90 to -145 dBc/Hz and an output power of up to 7 dBm. This oscillator measures 55 x 55 x 35 mm and is an ideal solution for telecommunications payload applications such as atomic clocks, signal generation, transponders, GNSS receivers, digital cards, down and up converters, and synthesizers.