The OBC-GR712 from Spaceteq is a Satellite On-Board Computer (OBC) that is designed for microsatellite operations and low-earth orbit spacecraft. It has a mass of 0.350 kg and supports the UART interface. This OBC requires a DC supply of 22-34 V and has a power consumption of less than 5 W. It is based on Cobham Gaisler GR712RC, a dual-core LEON 3FT 32-bit SPARC processor that has 256 Mbyte EDAC-protected SDRAM, 2 × 512 Mbyte NAND Flash banks, 256 kbyte MRAM and 256 kbyte EEPROM. This OBC measures 233 x 160 x 15.1 mm (6U 160 mm form factor).