The IOBC from ISISPACE is a Satellite On-Board Computer (OBC) is a high-performance flight-proven unit based around an 32 bit ARM9 processor with a speed of 400 MHz. It has a volatile memory of 64MB SDRAM and a critical data storage of 512kb FRAM. The OBC features a FreeRTOS operating system with I2C master, UART, RS232, RS485 and RS422 interfaces and lightweight cooperative multitasking. It has 2GB high reliability SD cards for fail safe data storage up to 32 GB on request. This IOBC requires an input supply of 3.3 V and has a power consumption of 400 mW. It has a mass of 94g (mainboard) with 100 g (EM daughter board) and measures 96 x 90 x 12.4 [mm] (including FM daughter board). The OBC is ideal for CubeSat applications.