The Perun from Infinity Avionics is a Satellite On-Board Computer (OBC) that features a SmartFusion 2 SoC with a Cortex M3 processor. This OBC has a 4 MB SEU immune SPI MRAM and a 1 GB SPI flash as reconfiguration memory. It comes with processor clock options of a 20 MHz external oscillator or a 32kHz RTC oscillator plus 2 internal clock sources. The processing platform uses a SEU Immune 256kB internal e-NVM and 64kB internal SRAM. It requires an input voltage of 5-18 V and an input power of 5 W. It supports UART, I2C, SPI, LVDS, CAN, USB, ULPI, or custom interfaces. The OBC has a mass of 21g and a form factor of 55 x 40 x 5.5 mm. It can be used as an onboard computer as well as a payload processor for nanosatellites.