The MAG-3 from AAC Clyde Space is a Three-Axis Fluxgate magnetometer that has an accuracy of ± 0.75% and a sensitivity of 100 µV/nT. It has a linearity of ± 0.015 % and a maximum axis alignment of ± 1 degrees. This magnetometer has a frequency response of 3 dB (at 500 Hz) and a zero shift with temperature value of ± 0.6 nT/°C. It requires a DC voltage of 15-34 V for operation and has a power consumption of 30 mA at any input voltage. This magnetometer is designed to operate in radiation environments of high LEO orbits and has been used on numerous space programs such as Georgia Tech PROX-1, and Bigelow Aerospace Genesis-1 to Naval Research Laboratory missions. It has a mass of 100 gms and measures 35.1 x 32.3 x 82.6 mm. The MAG-3 magnetometer is ideal for spacecraft attitude measurements.