The TOSIRIS from Tesat-Spacecom GmbH & Co. KG is a Satellite Laser Communication Terminal that is designed for LEO to ground range with a design life of 5 years in LEO orbit. It has a 1.25-10 Gbps channel data rate and 1Mbps TC Channel ground to LEO. This full hemispherical terminal has a mass of 8 kg and includes a coarse beam-pointing mechanism. It supports an Ethernet or Spacefiber data interface, a transmit power of 1 W, and a power consumption of 40 W. It has a laser communication terminal optimized for a 60 cm aperture optical ground station with an uplink beacon, 1550nm IM DD technology, and a 10-minute communication time/ground station pass. It also has an integrated terminal controller for the autonomous terminal operation, an integrated mass memory, and an uplink TC channel from the optical ground station. This CCSDC standard communication terminal measures 28 x 20 x 15 cubic cm and is ideal for Smallsat LEO to ground communication.