The SmartLCT 70 from Tesat-Spacecom GmbH & Co. KG is a Satellite Laser Communication Terminal with a range of up to 45,000 km and a dual operational wavelength of 1064-1550 nm. This terminal has a unidirectional LEO to GEO data transmission rate of 1.8 Gbps and a power consumption of up to 150 W. It supports the Wizard link data interface. The SmartLCT 70 has a mass of 30 Kg and measures 35 x 35 x 20 cm (4 subunits included). It features space-proven 1064 nm technology and autonomous link acquisitions with algorithms verified 10,000 fold in space that are derived from TESAT‘s LCT135 space heritage. It has a lifespan of up to 10 years in LEO orbit and is ideal for earth observation LEO satellites connected to GEO satellites in a data relay scheme.