The LPTC from Air Liquide Group is a Space Cryocooler with a temperature range of between 50-80 K. This large pulse tube cryocooler is composed of a mechanical cooler and control electronics. It has a temperature regulation of 10 mK (1 Sigma) and cooling power between 3 W (50 K) and 7 W (80 K). The cryocooler supports a 1553 bus interface for communication with the instrument and has an electrical power rating of 220 W for the whole system. It has a reliability of more than 90 % over 7.5 years and a lifetime of more than 20 years in storage and use. The cryocooler is qualified on the ESA program (ECSS standard) and has achieved the TRL9 technology maturity level. It has an active vibration reduction of 100 mN RMS along the compressor piston axis and features a launch lock to sustain launch vibrations. The cryocooler is suitable for a variety of applications such as earth observation, space science, space exploration, superconductivity, zero boil-off, oxygen liquefaction, CO2 removal for life support, and sample freezing.