The KMU288291B02-20W from KMIC Technology is a Block Upconverter that converts an input IF frequency of 950-1200 MHz to an output RF frequency of 28.85-29.15 GHz. This GaN-based BUC has an external LO frequency of up to 27.9 GHz and an output power value of 43 dBm. It has a gain of 65 dB and an input/output VSWR of 2:1. The converter has a spurious of -60 dBc and phase noise of up to -103 dBc/Hz (1 MHz). It requires a DC input voltage of 36-70 V and has a power consumption of 180 W. This GaN technology based converter has a very low power consumption and small size. It weighs 3.5 Kg and measures 233 x 140 x 88 mm. The block upconverter is ideal for high power BUCs for VSAT and SatCom applications.