The Bobcat 50Ku from Comtech Xicom Technology is a Block Upconverter that converts an input IF frequency of 950-1700 MHz to an output RF frequency of 13.75-14.5 GHz. This GaN technology based BUC has an external LO reference frequency of 10 MHz and an IF/REF input impedance of 50 Ohms. It has a saturated output power of 50 W and has a linear power of 25 W. The BUC has a small signal gain of 50-60 dB and a gain attenuation range of 25 dB in 0.1 dB steps. It has a noise power transmit band value of -76 dBW/4 kHz and a maximum phase noise value of -165 dBc/Hz. The BUC has a harmonics value of -60 dBc and an output spurious of -60 dBc. It requires a DC supply of 22-56 V and draws a DC power of 170 W. The BUC supports Ethernet and RS-232 interfaces for monitoring and control. It has a rugged MIL-STD-810 certified module that weighs 2.04 Kg and measures 6.8 x 3.88 x 3.9 inches. This Ku-band block upconverter is ideal for satcom uplinks.