The D-98-37991AHV-1K from Narda-MITEQ is a Block Downconverter with an input frequency range of 3.4-12.75 GHz and an output frequency of 70 MHz. It has a frequency step size of 1 kHz and an input impedance of 50 Ohms. This frequency downconverter has an input return loss of minimum 17 dB and an output return loss of 20-26 dB. It has a minimum power output of 20 dBm and an output impedance of 75 Ohms. The downconverter has a level stability range of +/- 0.25-0.5 dB and a gain of 43-50 dB. It has a maximum noise figure of 15 dB and a minimum image rejection of 80 dB. The downconverter has a spurious output of 60 dBc up to 0 dBm and a phase noise of up to -160 dBc/Hz. It requires an AC voltage supply of 90–250 V and has a power consumption of 60 W. The frequency downconverter supports RS485, RS422, RS232, and 10/100Base-T Ethernet interfaces for monitoring and control. It weighs 6.9 Kg and measures 19 x 1.75 x 20 inches. This frequency downconverter is designed for advanced satellite communication systems and frequency conversion for all video and data applications.