The ABSL 8s52p 28V 78Ah from EnerSys is a Satellite Battery with a configuration of 8s52p. This lithium-ion battery has a nameplate capacity of 78 Ah and an energy of 2246 Wh. It has a voltage range of 20-33.6 V and a nominal voltage of 28 V. The battery has a cell level radiation exposure tolerance of up to 18 Mrad (5 % of Capacity) with a mass of 6.8 Kg and a footprint of 295 x 355 mm. The battery is qualified for the Thai Earth Observation System (THEOS) spacecraft and also be used to isolate the battery from the spacecraft depending on mission requirements. It operates without the need for cell-balancing electronics and the design has been utilized for a variety of applications from civilian to commercial applications, especially for Earth observation spacecraft.