The SAR-10207 from EaglePicher Technologies is a Satellite Battery with a capacity of 112 Ah and an energy of 3315 Wh. This satellite battery has a continuous discharge current of 80 A and an operating voltage range of 24-32.8 V. It has a mass of 28.2 kg and measures 29.9 x 36.8 x 25.4 cm (W x L x H). The battery features built-in cell safety protection, backup temperature and voltage telemetry, built-in lifting points, and connector savers for spacecraft integration and test brackets. It is space-qualified and suitable for low-earth orbit (LEO) and geosynchronous-equatorial orbit (GEO) applications. The battery incorporates lithium-ion-cells which makes it ideal for military communications and surveillance, commercial communication and broadcasting, NASA research, environmental monitoring, global navigation, and tracking applications.