The RAFS from Safran Group is a Space-Qualified Rubidium Frequency Standard with an output frequency range of up to 10 MHz and frequency stability of 2 x 10-14. This rubidium frequency standard is suited for operation in LEO, MEO, and GEO orbits. It has a frequency accuracy of less than 2 x 10-10 and a phase noise of up to -145 dBc. The RAFS has an Rb lamp extended life expectancy of greater than 20 years. It requires a supply voltage of 28-50 V and has a power dissipation of less than 35 W during normal operation. The RAFS has a maximum mass of 3.4 Kg and measures 217 x 124 x 117 mm. It is ideal for applications such as navigation satellites, space scientific missions, military communication satellites, and tracking and guidance control.