The 090-02984-007 from Microchip Technology is a Space Qualified Atomic Clock with an RF output frequency of 10 MHz. This atomic clock provides 1PPS output at standard CMOS levels and has a load impedance of 1 MOhm. It has a pulse width of 100 μs and rise/fall times of less than 10 nsec at a load capacitance of 10 pF. The atomic clock has a radiation tolerance TID of at least 20 kRad Cobalt Gammas and SEL of 64 MeV proton irradiations up to 5.7 x 10+10 protons/cm2. It supports RS-232 interface for monitoring and control. This chip-scale atomic clock requires an input voltage of 3.3 V and has a power consumption of less than 120 mW. It has a mass of less than 35 g and measures 1.6 × 1.39 × 0.45 inches. The atomic clock is ideal for applications such as satellite timing and frequency control, satellite clock reference, assured Position, Navigation and Timing (PNT), atomic clock accuracy, and satellite cross-linking.