The KARMA-7 FG from Kongsberg is an Antenna Pointing Mechanism with a frequency range of 25.5-27 GHz and a system gain of 31 dBi. The antenna pointing mechanism has an insertion loss of 0.8 dB and a power capability of up to 70 W. The mechanism consists of two main sub-systems with a traditional azimuth over elevation configuration and an RF system. The mechanism has a redundant two-phase bipolar stepper motor with +/- 210 degrees in azimuth and +/- 90 degrees in elevation. It has a rotational speed capability of 17 degrees/s and a full-step resolution of 0.012 degrees. This space-qualified mechanism has a mass of 7.6 kg and an operational life of up to 7.5 years. It has been used in MetOp-SG Ka-band data downlink, CHIME, ROSE-L, and LSTM satellite missions.