Dragonfly Aerospace, a South African space engineering and space missions, with a team of strong experience and heritage dating back to the first earth observation satellite missions starting in the 1980’s through to their most recent satellite launch in 2018 and imager launch in 2020.
Dragonfly Aerospace is investing in a 3000m² design and manufacturing facility with 1000m² of cleanroom areas for microsatellite constellation production. The facility consists of satellite and imager assembly cleanrooms, development and environmental test labs and office areas. The satellite assembly clean rooms are ISO 8 controlled while the imager assembly clean rooms are ISO 7 controlled and ISO 6 flow cabinets are used for imager focal plane assemblies.

The company’s network of compound “eyes in the sky” will provide a data fusion of planetary knowledge that will be transformative for industries and societies. Uniquely, Dragonfly designs, owns, and operates the hardware that is the core of its vertically integrated system, enabling it to deliver remote sensing data and actionable intelligence solutions faster, more affordable, and more flexibly than any rival.

Dragonfly works on satellite cameras, buses, and platforms.
SmallSats (space payloads up to 600 kg) make up most of all spacecraft operating in orbit, and their number continues to increase. Besides defense and communications, Earth Observation SmallSats play a leading role. Dragonfly provides the optics that allows observing the Earth in a wide range of electromagnetic waves.
CubeSats are a type of nanosatellite with fixed dimensions that can be scaled from 1 to 12 U (unit). Their main advantages are their low cost and the possibility to deploy constellations to orbits. That is why they are in the highest demand for Earth Observation satellites. Dragonfly Aerospace offers a series of 4 CubeSat cameras with a wide range of optical payloads and high-resolution imaging capabilities.
With the increasing commercial demand for small satellites, satellite platforms, also known as satellite buses, have become more and more relevant. Their satellite platforms offer an opportunity to quickly and inexpensively deploy one's own CubeSats and smallsats to LEO up to 500 km. Dragonfly Bus and uDragonfly Bus are the two satellite buses manufactured by Dragonfly.
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