General Dynamics Mission Systems one of the leading providers of mission-critical systems and products to space, defense, civil government, intelligence, and cybersecurity customers has announced a new S-Band transponder for the satellite market.
The Multi-Mode Standard Transponder (MST 200) is an S-Band transponder that provides compatibility with a variety of government and commercial telemetry and command formats in a single unit.
The transponder's receive modes include NASA’s Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS), Near Earth Network (NEN), and a direct carrier BPSK mode compatible with commercial services and the NASA Ground Network (GN). Available transmit modes include PN spread modes compatible with the NASA TDRSS in addition to OQPSK/SQPSK, QPSK, BPSK, and linear phase modulation modes.
In addition to telemetry and command applications, a pair (or more) of transponders can be configured for proximity link or crosslink applications. Operating modes are configured at manufacture via firmware with an option of customization available for unique applications.
The MST-200 has telemetry data rates in the range of 18 – 300 kbps (SS-SQPN) and a command data rate of up to 300 kbps (SQPN). It has a frequency stability of less than 0.5 ppm (0 to +50 Deg C) and an operating frequency range of 2200 to 2300 MHz. The transponder can also be configured for Proximity Link or Crosslink applications.
Click here to learn more about the MST 200 S-Band Transponder.
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