Bright Ascension confirmed that their six latest GenerationOne flight software deployments were launched onboard a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket on 3rd January 2023, taking the current total to 39 spacecraft in orbit. The satellites, developed by Innovative Solutions In Space B.V. (ISISPACE) in the Netherlands and AAC Clyde Space in Scotland for a diverse mix of applications, make up the highest number of Bright Ascension’s software deployments launched on a single rocket to date.
The cluster of four spacecraft, built by ISISPACE for Kleos Space’s Observer Mission (KSF3), is expected to increase the data collection capacity of its previously launched KSF1 and KSF2 missions. Kleos Space’s satellites detect and geolocate radio frequency transmissions to deliver a global picture of hidden maritime activity for enhanced intelligence capability. Bright Ascension provided onboard software for the four spacecraft in the KSF3 cluster, using innovative space software products to keep development time short within tight project timelines.
The first Kelpie satellite, owned and built by AAC Clyde Space in Glasgow, will deliver data to the U.S. company ORBCOMM Inc., a global provider of IoT solutions, under an exclusive Space Data as a Service (SDaaS) deal. It is expected to be followed by the launch of a second Kelpie satellite in the first half of 2023.
In addition to their innovative onboard software technology, designed to noticeably reduce development time, lower risks, and mission costs, all of the above satellites will make full use of Bright Ascension's Mission Control Software and its effortless and seamless integration with the flight software.
"The SpaceX Transporter 6 has been our busiest launch so far, carrying six spacecraft to orbit with our software deployments" Peter Mendham, CEO at Bright Ascension “These satellites have a very diverse range of applications with specialized and cutting-edge payloads and hardware onboard, yet they all run on our software technology as it is designed to quickly and easily adapt to any mission – no matter how unique, advanced or complex it is. What’s more, being component-based, it takes full advantage of software reuse allowing us to work on a high number of missions simultaneously and achieve fantastic results in record time.”
The remaining spacecraft powered by our software onboard the SpaceX rocket is an undisclosed mission, which the client cannot publicize at this moment in time.
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