Ariane 6 is a European Space Agency (ESA) program to build a family of launch vehicles capable of placing any kind of payload on an optimized orbit, whatever the mission, be it low Earth orbit (LEO), geostationary (GTO) or sun-synchronous (SSO). With a large storage capacity, Ariane 6 can perform conventional, single or double launches, or complex missions reflecting new market needs, such as the orbit insertion of electric-propulsion satellites or satellite system launches, thanks to its upper stage equipped with the Vinci® re-ignitable engine.
Critical equipment delivered by Safran
The lead contractor of the Ariane 6 program is ArianeGroup, a joint venture between Safran and Airbus. Safran also delivers multiple equipment items for the program:
- Valves for the first stage and the Vulcain engine (Safran Aero Boosters)
- Valves for the second stage and the Vinci engine (Safran Aero Boosters)
- Electrical harnesses for the Vulcain engine and systems on board the launcher (Safran Electrical & Power)
- Inertial guidance system (Safran Electronics & Defense)
- On-board telemetry equipment and launcher telemetry ground receiver system (Safran Data Systems)
- Radar transponders to control the launcher trajectory (Safran Data Systems)
- Remote neutralization system in case of dangerous trajectory deviation (Safran Data Systems)
- Filters for liquids and gases (to protect hydraulic and propulsion systems on board the launcher (Safran Filtration Systems)
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Click here to learn more about Safran group.