Eutelsat Group announced the successful launch and deployment of its EUTELSAT 36D satellite. SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket launched the satellite into a Geostationary Transfer Orbit (GEO) on March 30, 2024, at 5:52 p.m. ET from Launch Complex 39A at Kennedy Space Center, Florida, USA.
Based on the Airbus Eurostar Neo platform, EUTELSAT 36D will replace EUTELSAT 36B, at the 36° East orbital position, where it will operate alongside EUTELSAT 36C. Embarking 70 physical Ku-band transponders, the satellite will assure service continuity with optimized performance for customers in Video over its footprint. The satellite also includes additional flexibility and coverage options, enabling to balance the loading between its different missions.
Eva Berneke, CEO of Eutelsat Group, commented: “EUTELSAT 36D is now on its way to replace EUTELSAT 36B at the 36° East orbital position. We are looking forward to its entry into service in the second half of calendar 2024. This is also an opportunity to take our long-lasting relationship with Airbus to the next level. My congratulations to the Eutelsat Group, Airbus, and SpaceX teams for the completion of another successful satellite program.”
Click here to learn more about Eutelsat Group's EUTELSAT 36D Satellite.