Cobham SATCOM, one of the leading global providers of radio and satellite communications solutions to the maritime and land sectors, announced the issuance of a multi-year contract with a leading US prime contractor for Cobham Satcom's 2.4m antennas, with a minimum value in excess of $10M with annual renewal options for additional units.
The contract provides the acquisition of next-generation land-based multi-band tracking antennas from the Cobham Satcom TRACKER product line to support the United States Government and the Department of Defense programs for improved operations and communications. The systems provide unique signal processing capabilities or exploitation functionalities to enable advanced performance by providing the ability to track multi-band, multi-orbit satellites. The systems will be deployed globally, supporting Assured Battlespace Awareness.
Cobham Satcom, one of the global industry leaders in the design and manufacture of accurate, active tracking antennas across GEO, HEO, MEO, and LEO satellites, is enabling a new level of flexibility and resilience with a range of antennas for multi-orbit, multi-band, and multi-network capabilities – whether fixed-use or on a mobile platform. Combining robust design with resilience, the Government & Defense Solutions product lines of our Tactical TRACKER portfolio, Sea Tel maritime terminals, and TRACKER GDS gateways provide mission-critical satellite connectivity for naval and land-based military and civil operations as well as fly-away applications that comply with MIL-SPEC Environmental and with EMI/EMC requirements.
The Sea Tel and TRACKER products are recognized for rugged, highly reliable stabilized marine antenna systems, enabling satellite communication and tracking capabilities in the harshest environments. The radome-protected antennas are available in a range of sizes from under 1 m to 3.7 m with single and multi-band, multi-orbit capabilities and highly accurate LEO, MEO, and GEO tracking; they provide robust connectivity and unmatched resiliency. The Sea Tel systems have achieved recognition for their rugged, highly reliable stabilized marine antenna systems that enable satellite communication and tracking capabilities in the harshest environments. Sea Tel and TRACKER Systems are manufactured in the US and extensively deployed by US and NATO Navies and Coast Guards.
Click here to learn more about SATCOM Antennas from Cobham Satcom on SATNow.