The Radio Regulations Board (RRB) of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) announced their approval of an extension of the time limits to Bring Into Use (BIU) the regulatory filings for the orbital position intended for the Ovzon 3 satellite.
The placement of the Ovzon 3 satellite will be 59.7° East orbital position and the filings BIU deadline was extended to July 4, 2024. This is well in line with the planned launch for Ovzon 3 as soon as December 2023.
“We are very pleased with the decision by ITU’s Radio Regulations Board (RRB). The ITU plays a big role in making the world more connected and Ovzon is excited to play a bigger role in just that going forward. With this decision there are no regulatory obstacles for the launch of Ovzon 3 in December 2023”, comments Per Norén, CEO of Ovzon.
Click here to learn more about Ovzon 3 Communications Satellite.