What are Space Debris?

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Feb 14, 2025

Space debris or Space junk is the accumulation of discarded launch vehicles, decommissioned satellites, & parts of a spacecraft that floats around in space and causes a risk of collision with functioning satellites or space stations. 

Space debris is the result of launching objects from the earth. Some of these objects remain in the orbit, while some debris in the lower orbits re-enter the atmosphere after a couple of years and burn up on re-entry and never reach the ground. 

When two satellites collide accidentally or inadvertently with each other, they can smash apart into thousands of new pieces, which would result in a chain reaction where even more objects will collide and create new space junk which will eventually render an Earth’s orbit unusable. This was a theory proposed by Donald Kessler in 1978 which is known as the “Kessler Syndrome.”

Space Junk doesn’t pose a risk to the exploration efforts that are undertaken by the different space agencies. However, the biggest danger the space debris pose is to the existing satellites that are traversing in the orbits. There are approximately 23,000 pieces of debris orbiting the Earth and they travel at speeds up to 17,500 mph which is harmful enough to damage a satellite or a space station.

Space debris flying at very high speeds are extremely dangerous for astronauts that reside in a space station. To avoid being hit by debris, hundreds of collision avoidance maneuvers are performed by the International Space Station (ISS) which keeps the astronauts safe.

List of key incidents where space debris caused irreparable damage to a satellite:

  • In 1996, a French satellite was hit and damaged by debris from a rocket launched by the French that had exploded a decade earlier.
  • On Feb. 10, 2009, a decommissioned Russian spacecraft collided with and destroyed a functioning U.S. Iridium commercial spacecraft. This collision resulted in adding more than 2,300 pieces of large, trackable debris and many smaller pieces of debris to the inventory of space junk.
  • China's 2007 anti-satellite test, which used a missile to destroy an old weather Chinese satellite, added more than 3,500 pieces of large, trackable debris and many smaller pieces of debris to the inventory of space junk that contributed to the problem.

United Nations have asked all space organizations to remove their satellites after 25 years of the end of their mission. To ensure the proper removal of satellites, these space organizations came up with novel solutions to achieve their goal. 

Remove Debris Mission

Remove debris mission aims to tackle the problems imposed by space debris. A remove debris satellite launches out a net and traps the space debris which orbits around the earth. That net is not retrieved again by the satellite or the ISS but is nudged in the direction of the earth, allowing it to fall back towards the earth’s surface. However, this method can only be used for large satellites orbiting the earth at low altitudes as it involves collecting the space debris and dragging them back into the atmosphere where it will burn up.

Graveyard Orbit

A graveyard orbit is an orbit at an altitude of 36,050 km above the earth’s surface (higher than most common operational orbits) where decommissioned satellites are moved to reduce the probability of them crashing into other functional satellites and generating space debris.

Click here to learn more about Graveyard Orbit.

Space Missions - A list of all Space Missions


Name Date
Altius 01 May, 2025
Hera 01 Oct, 2024
Arctic Weather Satellite 01 Jun, 2024
EarthCARE 29 May, 2024
Arctic Weather Satellite (AWS) 01 Mar, 2024
MTG Series 13 Dec, 2022
Eutelsat Quantum 30 Jul, 2021
Sentinel 6 21 Nov, 2020
OPS-SAT 18 Dec, 2019
Cheops 18 Dec, 2019


Name Date
INSAT-3DS 17 Feb, 2024
XPoSat 01 Jan, 2024
Aditya-L1 02 Sep, 2023
DS-SAR 30 Jul, 2023
Chandrayaan-3 14 Jul, 2023
NVS-01 29 May, 2023
TeLEOS-2 22 Apr, 2023
OneWeb India-2 26 Mar, 2023
EOS-07 10 Feb, 2023
EOS-06 26 Nov, 2022


Name Date
VEP-4 17 Feb, 2024
TIRSAT 17 Feb, 2024
CE-SAT 1E 17 Feb, 2024
XRISM 07 Sep, 2023
SLIM 07 Sep, 2023
ALOS-3 07 Mar, 2023
ISTD-3 07 Oct, 2022
JDRS 1 29 Nov, 2020
HTV9 21 May, 2020
IGS-Optical 7 09 Feb, 2020


Name Date
NEO Surveyor 01 Jun, 2028
Libera 01 Dec, 2027
Artemis III 30 Sep, 2026
Artemis II 30 Sep, 2025
Europa Clipper 10 Oct, 2024
SpaceX CRS-29 09 Nov, 2023
Psyche 13 Oct, 2023
DSOC 13 Oct, 2023
Psyche Asteroid 05 Oct, 2023
Expedition 70 27 Sep, 2023