Company: ABL Space Systems

RS1 was designed for the fuss-free, high-cadence launches of the future.ABL Space Systems's small, inexpensive launch vehicle is called RS1.To protect the payload from aerodynamic buffeting and heating during ascent, it uses a straightforward metallic fairing.RS1 was created with deployability in mind. The rocket's stages are all designed to fit within typical shipping containers. This means that RS1 may be transported to a desired launch point with ease via air, land, or sea. The vehicle is powered by RP-1 or Jet-A, which can be found at airfields all over the world, and LOx. With fewer personnel, less time, and a smaller footprint, RS1 can be prepared for launch.

Rocket / Launch Vehicle Specifications

Diameter1.83 m
Fairing Diameter2.7 m
FuelRP-1 / JET-A
Length26.8 m
Payload To GTO400 Kg
Payload To LEO1350 Kg
Propellant FeedTurbopump
PropellantsLOx / RP1
Thrust485 kN