Company: ISRO

The Indian Space Research Organization, which develops and operates the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV III), is an upgraded version of that vehicle.The goal of the 2002-approved GSLV MKIII Project was to construct an indigenous launch vehicle capable of launching a 4-ton class satellite into geosynchronous orbit. Through three successful flights—LVM3 X, GSLV MkIII D1, and GSLV MkIII D2—the development program has been completed.Although the deployment of geostationary satellites is the main goal of GSLV, the vehicle is also human-rated and can launch the first iteration of ISRO's crewed vehicle into orbit.

Rocket / Launch Vehicle Specifications

Heat Shield Payload Fairing Diameter5.0 m
Height43.5 m
Lift Off Mass640 tonnes
No Of Boosters4 L40 Hs
Number Of Stages3
Payload To GTO5000 Kg
Payload To LEO10000 Kg
Payload To SSO3000 Kg
PLF Usable Volume110m3
Vehicle Diameter4.0 m