The IRHF57234SE from Infineon Technologies is a Space Qualified MOSFET with a drain-to-source breakdown voltage of 250 V and a continuous drain current of 3.3-5.2 A. This MOSFET has a gate threshold voltage of 2.5-4.5 V and a maximum power dissipation of 25 W. It has a rise time of 100 ns and a turn-off delay time of 40 ns. The MOSFET has a radiation tolerance TID of up to 100 kRads(Si) and is characterized for Single Event Effect (SEE) with useful performance up to LET of 80 (MeV/(mg/cm2 ). It has a low drain-to-source on-resistance of 0.42 Ohms and a low total gate charge of 32 nC. The MOSFET weighs 3.3 g and is ideal for applications such as isolated DC-DC converters, motor drives, electric propulsion, and thermal management.